XX International Workshop on Low-Energy Positron and Positronium Physics
XXI International Symposium on Electron-Molecule Collisions and Swarms
18 - 20 JULY 2019
Belgrade, Serbia


Abstract submission is due 1st June 2019 10th June 2019, please use the supplied template. Completed abstracts should be emailed to posmol2019@ipb.ac.rs. Submitted abstracts will be considered for presentation in one of the “Hot Topics” sessions of the meeting.

The list of abstracts accepted for poster presentation is available at www.posmol2019.ipb.ac.rs/posters.php.

EPJ D Topical Issue

Submission deadline extended to 31 October 2019!

We invite all POSMOL 2019 participants to submit papers in the Topical Issue of The Eurepean Physical Journal D: Low-Energy Positron and Positronium Physics and Electron-Molecule Collisions and Swarms.

To ensure the highest quality possible and commensurate with the standing of the journal:

  1. This special issue of EPJ D provides an opportunity to have only original material, refereed and published quickly.
  2. Accordingly, authors making a contribution should, on their own initiative, submit their paper directly to the EPJ D Editorial Office
    at https://articlestatus.edpsciences.org/is/epjd.
    • Submissions should be clearly identified as intended for the special issue "Low-Energy Positron and Positronium Physics and Electron-Molecule Collisions and Swarms (POSMOL 2019)".
    • Instructions for authors can be found here. For LaTeX manuscripts, the style files of EPJ D must be used.
  3. Articles submitted must be strictly journal length and quality and each will be refereed like any regular paper of its kind submitted to EPJ D.
  4. All manuscripts should be submitted not later than September 30 October 31, 2019.

Guest Editors:
Prof. Michael Brunger (Flinders University)
Prof. David Cassidy (University College London)
Dr. Saša Dujko (Institute of Physics Belgrade)
Dr. Dragana Marić (Institute of Physics Belgrade)
Dr. Joan Marler (Clemson University)
Dr. James Sullivan (The Australian National University, Canberra)
Dr. Juraj Fedor (J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry v.v.i., Czech Academy of Sciences)